Ace Dragon LTD.


Ace Dragon LTD. written by Russel Hoban and illustrated by Quentin Blake (2015)

When John heard KLONK coming from a manhole cover with the words “ACE DRAGON LTD” written on it, he investigated further. Under the cover was a dragon named Ace. The dragon said he was ‘limited’ because he could only do some things, not everything. The dragon invited John to go flying with him if he could fight him in a battle. John and Ace meet in an abandoned field. John won two battles in a row so the dragon took him flying. The wrote their names in the sky but soon started running out of petrol so they landed on a small golden moon. The dragon could spin gold into straw, so John cut off pieces of the moon with his sword and the dragon made a huge straw mattress. Then they jumped off the moon with their straw mattress and landed back into the abandoned lot without getting hurt. Before leaving, John told Ace that he was not limited and they both went home for supper.


This charming story was first published in 1980. Thirty-five years later it is ready to be enjoyed by a whole new generation. You can enjoy it once more with your little ones.

Imagination and dragon play are still in vogue. Have a go at your own dragon battles with these cute ideas.Paper plate dragon craft IMG_3410 c6e07516bcd6016f95a3030c078c8a8e 99c30a6196923792742910292e540a4b

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