Dory and the Real True Friend


Title: Dory and the Real True Friend

Author & Illustrator: Abby Hanlon

Publisher: Dial Books for Young Readers

Year: 2015

ISBN: 978-0-525-42866-4

Summary: Dory is ready to start first grade when her older brother and sister take her aside and give her a list of things she should not do… basically be herself. Basically, Dory lives in a highly populated imaginary world and her siblings are embarrassed by her every day. Contrary to their admonitions, her mother tells her to be herself. Just to be save, Dory does not bring her imaginary friends to school with her this year and meets a real live friend who thinks she’s a princess. When Dory tells her siblings, they think she has only made up another imaginary friend. But when they go to the park that weekend, they meet the one and only Rosabelle who has just been to the evil villain’s cave to rescue Dory’s fairy godmother who had been turned into a chicken. Apparently, Dory’s real friend is just as much fun as her imaginary friends.

Literary Merit: Dory’s voice pulls you into the story and her imagination won’t let you out!

Kid Appeal: The childlike pencil drawings illustrating the text bring a lot to the story. Kids with or without imaginary friends will want to find out if Rosabelle is real or imaginary. And cheer to find out that she is just as quirky as Dory!


Disclaimer: This book was nominated for the 2015 CYBILS Award in the Early Chapter Book category. This review is shared as part of the Round One Judging. It is solely my own opinion and not influenced by any other parties.






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