Where is Rusty?


Where is Rusty? written and illustrated by Sieb Posthuma (2015)

Rusty is small white terrier who goes shopping with his mother and two friends. Mother reminds all the pups to stay close to her because the store is big and very crowded. But Rusty gets side tracked watching a demonstration of a dog biscuit making machine. By the time he looks up, he is alone in the crowd. Mama goes to the lost and found department to report him missing. Meanwhile, Rusty overhears two large security dogs talking about finding a lost dog and taking him to the pound. So Rusty does his best to hide among the things in the story. He is finally found, when someone notices a lamp with furry legs and a tail that moves. Rusty learns his lesson and promises to stay close to his mother next time they go out.


OK, who wants to play a game of hide and seek? I do! I do! After a few rounds of hide and seek, we can change up the game a little bit and play by hiding a small stuffed animal and see who can find it first.

Follow up with a simple I Spy game. ‘I spy with my little eye, something red…’

Or try one of these fun activities…


I Spy Bottles


I Spy Treasure Hunt


Camouflage: Prey and Predator Game

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