August, 2014

august-month-summer-natureHappy August Friends!

The summer is winding down here in Ohio. The days have already begun to get shorter and everyone I know is running around madly trying to get in the last rays of sunshine and summer fun. Many of my teacher friends are planning and organizing their classrooms. The store aisles are packed with Back-to-School supplies and Summer Clearance items. This is the time of year I always become bi-polar… depressed about the end of summer yet excited for the new school year! As many of you know, I retired from teaching a year ago so this is my second stress-free August and I’m basking in the freedom. But old habits die hard, and a little part of me will always long for a new box of crayons, stacks of sharpened pencils, and brand new journals. And of course I’m still scouring the bookstores and library for old favorites and the newest picture books. Because for me, nothing compares to the smell of a book and the elation I feel when I’ve found another literary friend.  Please join me this month as I find picture books to celebrate every day!

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