September 27 – International Rabbit Day

Happy Rabbit Day!

Finding an excuse to read some bunny books isn’t very hard. Here are several good choices.


Battle Bunny written by Jon Scieszka and Mac Barnett and illustrated by Matthew Myers (2013)

Have crazy fun with Battle Bunny, the bunny who has an evil plan to chop down the forest. It seems like no one can stop him, until the president calls on Alex to do the job. This fun story which was originally a sweet little story about a birthday bunny who is sad because he thinks his friends have forgotten his special day. But when Alex draws pictures and changes words in the text it becomes a story of Battle Bunny who terrorizes the forest.


Little White Rabbit written and illustrated by Kevin Henkes (2011)

Little White Rabbit wonders about many things. He wonders what it would be like to be green like the grass, tall like the trees, unable to move like the rocks, and to flutter like the butterflies. But he doesn’t wonder who loved him… he knew it was his mother.


The Little Rabbit Who Liked to Say Moo written and illustrated by Jonathan Allen (2008)

Little Rabbit doesn’t have a big noise, so he has fun making the big noises of the other farm animals. Little Rabbit likes to say ‘moo’. He and cow  like to say ‘baa’. He and sheep and cow like to say ‘oink’. He and pig and sheep and cow like to say ‘hee haw’. And so forth, until all the animals are making big noises.


My Friend Rabbit written and illustrated by Eric Rohmann (2002)

This Caledcott Medal winner is about an overly helpful friend who only seems to get into trouble. He means well, but trouble always follows. Like the time he tries to launch Mouse into the air, but instead gets the plane stuck in a tree. He enlists the help of all the other animals to get the plane out of the tree and then proceeds to get is stuck again!

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