Mission: New Baby


Mission: New Baby written by Susan Hood and illustrated by Mary Lundquist (2015)

The robot delivers top secret information for big brothers and sisters. It’s a rewarding mission and there are lots of important details to carry out.

#2 Test Gadgets and Gear (stroller and crib assembly)

#6 Begin Instruction (ABC and Peek-a-Boo) (Additional fun – The border around the room is the NATO code -Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo…)

#7 Crack Codes (farm animal sounds)

#12 Complete Covert Operation (getting cookies from cookie jar)


What can you do to help an older sibling get ready for a baby brother or sister? Whatever you choose, make sure it’s fun and non-threatening.

And remember, there’s nothing better than being a big brother or big sister… unless of course, it’s being the baby brother or baby sister!

How about starting out with a nice Big Brother or Big Sister kit filled with books, T-shirt, and new pajamas if they’ll be staying at grandma’s house overnight?


Make a scrapbook of their first year so they can see themselves as a baby once and be prepared for what the newborn can and cannot do. You can make your own at most drugstore photo counters. This is an example of one from Shutterfly.v4

And don’t forget a treat or gift bag to take to school/daycare to announce the big brother or big sister status to friends.



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