Tag Archives: goals

The Creative Life

22 Jun

When thinking about creativity and creative people we often think of artists, musicians, or inventors. But really, when you get right down to it, we are ALL creative beings.  Merriam-Webster defines creative as ‘the ability or power to create’, and create as ‘to bring into existence something new’ and ‘to produce through imaginative skill’. Everyone from the boardroom to the maintenance room has the ability to create something new through imaginative skill at work and at home.

Children do this instinctively. Given an empty box, a child will create a whole new world, a new mode of transportation, a home for imaginary animals, or quiet place for contemplation.

French sculpture, painter, and pioneer of modern art, Henri Matisse defined creative people with these words:


As writers, illustrators, publishers, and more we are well aware of the power of imagination and the creative souls of individuals. We make it our business to provide, enhance, nurture, model, and shape new ideas.

Today, I’m taking Matisse’s words to heart. Working on a new story idea, I need to be all these things (and more).

What do you need to reach your goals?




19 Apr

FullSizeRenderThis is a very special journal. I got it several years ago while I was still teaching. The cover intrigued me with its melting clock, random numbers and elastic side fastener. I knew exactly how I would use the minute I picked it up. It was my retirement planning journal. I jotted notes, phone numbers, workshops, passwords, etc on its pages. I took it to every retirement meeting I attended whether it was in-district or at the state offices. I took it with me to my finical planner twice a year. Sometimes I would just take it out, turn the pages, and stare at it. I wondered if it was really possible. Was it realistic? Was this attainable? This melting clock was my reminder that there was a day and time somewhere in the future when I would meet my retirement goals. And guess what? I did. Almost two years ago.

For the first year of retirement, this trusty journal remained with my official paperwork. I never opened it again, but I kept it just in case… just in case the IRS called me, just in case the school district called me, just in case the state retirement board called me, just in case.

Last year, I took it out. It was time to put it to good use again. After all, it served its purpose so well I thought I could get one more ‘miracle’ out of it. I tore out the pages pertaining to retirement and filed those in a manilla folder. Now, with a clean slate, I use the melting clock to remind me that in time (no one knows how long) I would be a published author.

This is my Submissions Journal. On each page, I write the title of a manuscript I have sent out into the world. Under the manuscript title, I write where, when, and to whom I sent it out. I count the months since the last submissions. I decide to either resubmit to new names and places or revise yet one more time. I take it out now and then just to stare at all the titles. I envision my published books in libraries and bookstores everywhere. But like my retirement plans, these things take time.

I added a new page yesterday… a new manuscript, a new name, date, and address.

On Hard Work

8 Apr


No matter what barriers stand in your way, never lose sight of your goal.

Happy New Year 2014

1 Jan


I’m not one for making new year’s resolutions, they always seem so cliched.  But that’s not to say that I don’t like to reflect on the past year and look forward to the next.  A few weeks ago I was challenged to write a list of 31 accomplishments of last year.  I was so excited about that because I had a wonderful year in 2013.  I actually only wrote accomplishments since my retirement in May.  And, guess what… I exceeded the 31 count in only the 7 months between June and December!   I was psyched!  And since I truly believe that the best is yet to come (yes, a cliche), I am super-psyched about 2014!

I have already lined up several workshops, groups, and writing activities for the new year.  Here are my top five for January:

1.  Rate Your Story


2.  Start the Year Off Write


3. ReviMo


4. 12×12 Workshop


5. Writing for Children


In addition, I plan on entering three writing contests this month.

(Highlights, AKC Family Dog, and Rate Your Story).

Here’s a little cartoon I copied just for chuckles.


So, time to get busy… Like the poster says, “the best days of my life are all ahead”!