February 3 – Homemade Soup Day

Happy Homemade Soup Day!

 Who doesn’t love a nice bowl of homemade soup, especially if you were disappointed in the weather forecast yesterday… six more weeks of winter! Bundle up and enjoy a steaming hot pot of soup and a lovely picture book or two.


Bone Soup written and illustrated by Cambria Evans (2008)

Bone Soup is a spooky Halloween soup made exactly like the traditional Stone Soup, but with nastier ingredients. Finnigin the Eater traveled to a barren land inhabited by witches, mummies, werewolves, and zombies. But none of them would share their food with him on Halloween night. So Finnigin took our a dried up old magic bone and boiled it in a huge cauldron in the middle of town square. Soon the monsters of the village came to see what he was cooking and one by one they each added a delicacy to the cauldron. The soup had eyeballs, frog legs, bat wings, spider eggs, dried mouse droppings, and toenail clippings… delicious! Everyone had a Halloween feast called Bone Soup!


Duck Soup written and illustrated by Jackie Urbanovic (2008)

Max the duck, wanted to make the perfect soup. Many of his earlier attempts left a lot to be desired, but this time he thought it would be the best ever. All he needed was a little parsley from the garden. While he was out, his three friends came in looking for him. The searched the house and were led to the kitchen by the smell of soup cooking. Looking into the pot, they found a feather and jumped to the wrong conclusion. Trying in ernest to rescue poor Max, they dumped the soup down the drain through a strainer hoping to catch Max in the strainer. Just then Max comes in from the garden… what happened?! Max was awfully quiet all through dinner, but his friends were happy it wasn’t Duck Soup after all.


Carrot Soup written and illustrated by John Segal (2006)

Rabbit worked all spring planning, planting, and watering over his favorite food. But when the time came to harvest the carrots, Rabbit couldn’t find a single one. He asked all his friends, mole, dog, cat, duck, and pig. No one had seen his carrots (or so they said). Rabbit went home depressed and hungry. Surprise! His friends had made a big pot of carrot soup for Rabbit.

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