Land Shark


Land Shark written by Beth Ferry and illustrated by Ben Mantle (2015)

Bobby’s plan to convince his parents to get him a shark for his birthday doesn’t go exactly as planned. Well, not at all as planned. And Bobby knows that ‘shark lovers cannot be converted to dog lovers’. But the puppy his parents get him, acts suspiciously like a shark. Now Bobby is planning on next year’s gift…


Brilliant! Lots of word play and art humor really increase the sharkiness of this story. In the realm of unusual pet stories this one is at the top of the food chain!

Your little ones will devour this book!

Be prepared for lots of shark requests after reading this one.

Tissue paper art with shark silhouettes.


Heavy duty paper plate jaws.

Graham Cracker snacks.bc4b0fb267061cc7f1b8999c936f4d9d

Jell-O snacks.2979f507677f5b1e429691fd004fc45e

Blue punch or Gatorade with gummy shark fish.1e700df2c98aa791374eb39f0024af5c

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