

Glamourpuss written by Sarah Weeks and illustrated by David Small (2015)

Yes, there is GLITTER on the front cover of this book!!! That is exactly what this book is about… more or less. In fact, this book is about a glamorous cat named Glamourpuss who lives in a mansion with Mr. and Mrs. Highhorsen who are gazillionaires. She has her own servants and lives in the lap of luxury only needing to ring her silver bell to have Gustav and Rosalie cater to her every whim. As a matter of fact, Glamourpuss is so glamorous she doesn’t even say ‘Meow’, she only says ‘Me’. And then a terrible thing happens… Mr. Highhorsen’s sister Eugenia arrives from Texas, and she does not come alone. Eugenia’s terribly tacky chihuahua, Bluebell has come too. Bluebell wears tacky outfits and preforms even tackier tricks, much to Glamoupuss’s utter disgust. Glamourpuss does not appreciate Bluebell’s attempt at stealing her thunder. But when Glamourpuss learns that Bluebell despises his costumes and tricks as much as she does, she decides to teach him everything she knows about being glamorous. Bluebell is such a good student, he even comes up with his own idea of shortening ‘Bow-Wow’ to just ‘Wow’. It takes a while for everyone to accept Bluebell’s true nature. As for Glamourpuss, she learns the true meaning of friendship.


Couldn’t you just go crazy with glitter after reading this story?

Let’s explore some glamorous options!


Glitter Slime


Glitter Playdough


Glitter Paint


Easy clean up!

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