August 6 – Wiggle Your Toes Day

Happy Wiggle Your Toes Day!

Break out of your shoes and wiggle your toes! Stretch, relax, splash… your toes deserve a break today. Find your favorite young reader and romp barefoot through some of these toe-tally adorable picture books.

17981404Ten Tiny Toes written and illustrated by Caroline Jayne Church (2014)

This simple rhyming picture book will please any toddler! Simple text and pictures show a little one’s eyes, ears, nose, arms, belly, legs, and ten tiny toes in adorable scenes.  Find a copy and be delighted today!

3124179Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes written by Mem Fox and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury (2008)

A beautiful comparison of two babies per spread, but who all have ten little fingers and ten little toes. Toddlers will see babies who look like they do, and those who don’t. There is so much to talk about on each page, even though the text and pictures are purposefully simple and pure. I love the ending with the last little baby who is mine, mine, mine.


Hello Toes! Hello Feet! written by Ann Whitford Paul and illustrated by Nadine Bernard Westcott (2000)

Such a fun rhyming book about a little girl who really appreciates her feet! From the moment she wakes up to the time she goes to bed, she talks to her feet. She has a huge collection of shoes, slippers, and boots to put on her feet in the morning. She clumps, clops, and kicks her way through breakfast. She leaps, skips, and slides at the playground. As the day progresses, so does her admiration for her toes and feet. This a tippy-toe favorite of mine and countless young readers!


Where is Tippy Toes? written and illustrated by Betsy Lewin (2010)

Tippy Toes pitter patters through the house all day, but no body knows where he goes at night. Young readers will love opening the die-cut flaps to find Tippy Toes behind the fireflies, the spray of the hose, the laundry, and the moon. It turns out that the only person who knows where Tippy Toes goes, is his little boy… because Tippy Toes is under the covers with him! What a fun adventure for Tippy Toes and your preschooler!

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