September 23 – Dogs in Politics Day

Happy Dogs in Politics Day!

The yard signs are more plentiful than fall leaves this year. Walk the dogs, and choose a few good picture books to enjoy on a crisp fall day.


Otto Runs for President written and illustrated by Rosemary Wells (2008)

Tiffany, the most popular dog in fifth grade, and Charles, the captain of all the teams, both want to be school president. All they really care about is themselves. But Otto and his friends have another idea. They poll their classmates and find out what they want. While Otto is learning more about the needs of his school, Tiffany and Charles are involved in a mud-slinging campaign. And when the final vote is tallied, the results show Otto the clear winner.


First Dog written by J. Patrick Lewis and Beth Zappitello and illustrated by Tim Bowers (2009)

Once upon a time… dog was looking for the perfect home. He looked in cities – London and Paris, countries – Russia and China,  and continents – Australia, Africa, and South America. Then he returned to his old neighborhood – he strolled the streets of Washington DC, squeezed under the gate to the White House, and peeked in the backdoor where he finally found a home.


Dubs Runs for President written by Dick Morris, Eileen McGann, and Clayton J. Liotta and illustrated by Clayton J. Liotta (2012)

Dubs has a dream of running for president. He campaigns, gives interviews, meets the K9 community, makes promises, and attends the conventions. The Gallop Poll shows that Dubs was way ahead of Felix the cat. Then just as Dubs watches the news announcing his presidency… he wakes up. It was just a dream after all.

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