Flop to the Top


Title: Flop to the Top

Authors and Illustrators: Eleanor Davis and Drew Weing

Publisher: TOON Books

Year: 2015

ISBN: 978-1-935179-89-4

Summary: Wanda is a superstar. Her biggest fans are her brother and sister (not) and her dog Wilbur. Then one day, Wanda posts a picture of herself with her floppy dog, Wilbur and it goes viral! She wakes up in the morning to news reporters and limos… but they’re not for her, they’re for Wilbur. Now Wilbur is the superstar (for real) and Wanda misses him. Finally, Wilbur decides to leave all that behind and go home with Wilma, who really loves him.

Literary Merit: Short and sweet. Delivers a message without being didactic.

Kid Appeal: Popular trends of selfies and stardom brought down to the kids’ level.

12038110_10153635499864847_2796384396204241257_nDisclaimer: This book was nominated for the 2015 CYBILS Award in the Easy Reader category. This review is shared as part of the Round One Judging. It is solely my own opinion and not influenced by any other parties.


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