Nerdy Birdy


Nerdy Birdy written by Aaron Reynolds and illustrated by Matt Davies (2015)

Nerdy Birdy likes reading, video games, and reading about video games. He’s not strong like Eagle, or beautiful like Cardinal, or a bully like Robin; they’re cool birdies. Then one day Nerdy Birdy meets birdies who are more like him. They all wore glasses, they all liked to read, and almost all of them liked to play video games. And the great thing was, there were more nerdy birds than cool birds and now they were all his friends. But when another lonely bird moves into the neighborhood, it seems that even the nerdy birds don’t want to be her friend. Vulture is NOT one of them! She’s weird… she doesn’t wear glasses, she doesn’t like to read, and she eats dead things. Nerdy Birdy remembered how awful it felt to be lonely. So he decided to be her friend anyway, because after all everyone needs a friend.


Don’t you just love Nerdy Birdy? He is genuinely friendly and accepts everyone… even vultures. I hope we all know at least one Nerdy Birdy who will accept us for our idiosyncrasies and stick by us no matter what.

And if you don’t know a Nerdy Birdy… be a Nerdy Birdy.

I love these Nerdy Birdy pine cone birds!Ā e9fe2caa4c1e4f8b70483b0ed96644fa

FeedĀ our feathered friends this winter.Ā e306f5f7c24be9a3d32db8f0073f8590 27b345a88cfd7b61a327b33c1868b039 b3c64d3871fc31d1077024cd46a7b9c7

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