Little Elliot, Big Family


Little Elliot, Big Family written and illustrated by Mike Curato (2015)

One cold winter day, Elliot said good-bye to his friend Mouse who was going to a big family reunion. Elliot decided to go out. Everywhere he went, he saw families together. Elliot was alone. He went to a movie, but he was all alone in the theater too. He missed Mouse. On his way home, Elliot heard a voice calling his name. It was Mouse. Mouse invited Elliot to his big family reunion. Elliot had so much fun. And at the end of the day, when Mouse counted all the members of his family, he added one more!


 Elliot and Mouse learn that there’s always room for one more, and that family is who you make it. Whether you have a large family or a small one, you’ll fall in love with Elliot and Mouse!

Take time to talk about who is in your family. Show pictures or objects which remind you of people who are in your family.

Handprint Elephant and Thumbprint Mouse



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