Just Like Daddy

22822917Just Like Daddy written and illustrated by Ovi Nedelcu (2015)

This little guy does everything (well not exactly) just like daddy. For one thing, his attitude is much sunnier and more positive than daddy’s in things like waking up early, driving to work, finishing his projects, etc. But when it comes to weekends… yes, he’s just like daddy!


This book just made me laugh! I love the picture of daddy after the little boy tells us how excited he is to wake up early and get ready to start his day, just like daddy… who is groggy and grumpy in a dark room with an alarm clock set at 5:00!

This would be an awesome book to share just before Father’s Day! Then let your little ones express their thanks for their wonderful daddies!d9ff332a97788546d2270d72d816d980 e19896b4dbd087bfdc6191dd975da97b

And if you’re into photography and crafts, you could try one of these yourself.

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