Lulu’s Party


Lulu’s Party written and illustrated by Kit Chase (2015)

Lulu decides to brighten up a dreary day with a party. She invited her friends, decorated the house, and made a special hot chocolate treat. But when they tasted the hot chocolate, they knew something had gone terribly wrong. Lulu feared the party was ruined. But her friends went to the freezer and found chocolate ice cream instead. Everyone drank chocolate milkshakes and had a great time after all.


Turn a dreary day into a lovely day. A rainy day is the perfect day to invite a friend or two over for a little treat and a nice afternoon. Have just a few things on hand and you can be the hostess of the week too!

Gather your supplies and call your friends!

Learn how to make Rain Art here.9f8d42ff949b78250b659ffd09fe749a

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And of course Hot Chocolate!c38e5746fa145b2870bb72a7d491f0f6

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