Jackrabbit McCabe and the Electric Telegraph


Jackrabbit McCabe and the Electric Telegraph written by Lucy Margaret Rozier and illustrated by Leo Espinosa (2015)

Jackrabbit McCabe was the fastest man in Windy Flats. He could outrun every horse in a horserace, a locomotive, and even a tornado. Whenever there was an important message to be sent across town or to a nearby town, Jackrabbit McCabe was the man for the job. Then one day, the telegraph company came to Windy Flats. They hung electrical wires across the land and a telegraph operator to send and receive Morse code. No one believed the telegraph could be faster than Jackrabbit McCabe so a race was organized to send a message to Sandy Bluff. Jackrabbit McCabe shot off the mark and left the town in a cloud of dust, carrying his message to the mayor of Sandy Bluff. But when he got there, he found the same message already tacked to the door. The telegraph had beat him to it. Jackrabbit McCabe was so heartbroken he took the slowest coach home to Windy Flats. But when he arrived, the mayor asked him to be the new telegraph operator. He figured if Jackrabbit McCabe’s legs were fast, his fingers would be fast too. So Jackrabbit studied the Morse Code and became the town’s fastest telegraph operator!


This story takes on the tall tale flavor of Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill. The exaggerated details of Jackrabbit McCabe’s speed will have older picture book readers in stitches. Don’t be surprised if they start having races to see who’s the fastest kid on the block. It also gives today’s generation a look back in time before telephones and internet.

Make racing fun for kids with some of these ideas. 480030141bea0eff081ef773d90c4836 5449f5f19602ed3eb0e853317eb876dd 736db3cc9e2cc4b044c606497de0453f 56b75e4fe93bb5a8c58b2a41ecaa0b65 46a4d5e19166477a43f754e69558976b 7b69d31b04511cb9295d75b712024d73 1c22d6755f7dcede81d399c99ee5be09

2 Responses to “Jackrabbit McCabe and the Electric Telegraph”

  1. Lucy Margaret Rozier November 29, 2015 at 8:30 PM #

    Thanks so much, Juliana, for mentioning Jackrabbit McCabe and the Electric Telegraph, my book! Your ideas for racing are a great addition to the story. Leo Espinosa’s wonderful illustrations won the Founder’s Award in the “Original Art” show at the Society of Illustrators this fall.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Juliana Lee November 30, 2015 at 3:09 PM #

      It’s a wonderful story! I’m glad you liked the racing activities. Congratulations to Leo for the Founder’s Award too! šŸ™‚


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