July 7 – Chocolate Day

Happy National Chocolate Day!

Isn’t this everyday?


Betty Bunny Loves Chocolate Cake written by Michael D. Kaplan and illustrated by Stephanie Jorisch (2011)

Betty Bunny doesn’t want to try chocolate cake, she says it’s yucky. But when she tries it, she announces that it’s the yummiest thing she has ever eaten! She loves it so much, she’s even going to marry it. The next day, Betty Bunny tries mud… it’s not as good as chocolate cake. Her parents tell her she has to eat a healthy dinner, but Betty Bunny ends up throwing peas, carrots, and mashed potatoes at the dinner table… so she was sent to her room. She cried, and screamed, and kicked the wall. The next morning she takes a piece of chocolate cake to school with her in her pocket where it turned into a brown goopy mess. You’d think she’d learned her lesson, but no… the next day she puts the chocolate cake in her sock… oh no!

20689Lilly’s Chocolate Heart written and illustrated by Kevin Henkes (2003)

Lilly decides to save her last piece of Valentine’s Day candy, a chocolate heart. But she can’t find a good place for it. Not under the dusty bed, not in the narrow picture frames, not on the crowded bookshelf… so she decides that the only good place to put it is in her stomach! But once it’s gone, Lilly has to wait until next year to get another chocolate heart.


No Monkeys, No Chocolate written by Mellisa Stewart and Allan Young illustrated by Nicole Wang (2013)

Birthday parties don’t just have chocolate magically… the reader is taken on a trip to the rainforest to see the beginnings of chocolate with the planting of a cocoa tree. In the life cycle of the cocoa tree there are very important animals that each play a necessary role to the development and reproduction of each tree from seed to flower to pod.

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