April 5 – Pillow Fight Day


902039Good Night Pillow Fight is a funny rhyming picture book sure to be a bedtime classic.  Written by Sally Cook and illustrated by Laura Cornell, it is the perfect blend of parents’ pleading and children’s postponement strategies. In just  85 words, the story draws the reader into bedtime rituals of families in apartment windows all over the city. And the illustrations fully depict  all the details like the dad’s striped undershorts, the woman’s moisturizing mask, the taped closet door, twins hanging off the bunk beds, the juggling dad, and tambourine playing mom. In the end of course, exhausted parents are slumbering right alongside their finally sleeping children.

4438801Midnight Pillow Fight was written and illustrated by Jan Ormerod. This bedtime story is written in a comic book style with several panels on each page.  The reader is able to see the second by second and minute by minute transition of one child from waking up in the middle of the night to engaging in a pillow fight with her pillow and all the other cushions in the house.  It’s an imaginative and playful look at midnight forays with inanimate objects.

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