Welcome, Bao Bao


Title: Welcome, Bao Bao

Author: Gina Shaw

Photo Credits: Smithsonian Institution

Publisher: Penguin Young Readers

Year: 2015

ISBN: 978-0-448-48226-2

Summary: Non-fiction account on the birth and growth of an American born giant panda. The baby panda was born to two Chinese born giant pandas at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington DC. The panda parents where brought to the United States to help the endangered species grow. Their baby was named Bao Bao when she was 100 days old, as is a Chinese custom. Bao Bao is a Mandarin Chinese name which means precious treasure. Bao Bao will live here until she is four years old. Then she will be sent to China to go into a breeding program there.

Literary Merit: Simple facts presented with supportive vocabulary. Detailed and descriptive text tells the story of Bao Bao, a giant panda born in the National Zoo.

Kid Appeal: Real animals. Cute babies and adults. Interesting facts about pandas and endangered species.

12038110_10153635499864847_2796384396204241257_nDisclaimer: This book was nominated for the 2015 CYBILS Award in the Early Chapter Book category. This review is shared as part of the Round One Judging. It is solely my own opinion and not influenced by any other parties.

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