Elephants Make Fine Friends

11998261_10153629534907431_1682419935_nElephants Make Fine Friends written and illustrated by Colter Jackson (2015)

Ella and her elephant are best friends. They did everything together until Ella started to see her elephant a little differently. She noticed that her elephant didn’t always fit in and she decided that they were too different to be best friends. But after she sent her elephant away she realized that her life was better with her elephant than it was without her. So Ella went to find her elephant. And there she was, with the other elephants who were talking badly about people. It was Ella’s elephant who said that humans made fine friends. And so, Ella and her elephant were reunited.


Filed under Penguin House’s Core Concepts of Appreciating Differences and Friendship, this little picture book packs a powerful punch. Use this book as a springboard for a discussion about diversity or simply as a great story for little hearts!

Compare and Contrast Elephants and Humans. Then have fun with some distinctive elephant characteristics.

Elephant Ears (for good listening skills)11e712fbcfb095a4c365dafa3be68a53

Elephant Trunk (low hanging and strong)10064cb417bb3d4243ccd3a25015a61d

Elephant Feet (for heavy stomping)5cb1b5e96bc8e1d49a63bbe3dc276f48

Elephant Art (uniqueness and diversity)9d78744710b2f2a93ab510c1007742ef art

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