Tag Archives: Benji Davies

I Love You Already!

27 Jan



25817276I Love You Already!

written by Jory John

illustrated by Benji Davies

Harper, 2015

Bear and Duck keep their fans giggling over their unlikely friendship. Bear only wants to spend the day alone with his tea and his books. Duck only wants to go on a walk… with Bear. After constant badgering, Bear gives in to Duck. Poor Bear, Duck’s ceaseless pestering doesn’t stop once they start walking. But when Duck falls from a tree, Bear suddenly feels sorry about his treatment of Duck. With the tiniest encouragement, Duck goes back to his annoying habits.

Kids will understand the feeling of frustration when a friend insists on doing things his or her way. Sometimes though you do things your friend’s way just because you love them.

This is the second book featuring Duck and Bear. You can read more about this comical duo HERE.


Goodnight Already!

1 Jan


Goodnight Already! written by Jory John and illustrated by Benji Davies (2014)

Bear is ready for bed. Duck is not. Just as Bear closes his eyes, his neighbor, Duck knocks on the door. Duck has all kinds of ideas… play cards, watch a movie, make smoothies. No. No. No. Bear shows him to the door and goes back to bed.  Through the bedroom window, Duck shows up wanting to borrow ingredients to make cookies… sugar, butter, eggs. No. No. No. Finally, Bear gets to sleep when who should show up, right on top of his chest? Duck! He used his emergency spare key. A stubbed beak is not an emergency! Duck goes home complaining about Bear’s grouchy attitude. He picks up a book and… zzzzz. Duck falls asleep in his reading chair while Bear is wide awake making cookies!

Jory John tells a familiar tale in just about any toddler household, with outrageous requests and outcomes. The humorous plot and twist will have little ones roaring with laughter.

Benji Davies accentuates the differences of these two personalities expertly. Poor bear looks like he desperately needs to sleep (i.e. hibernate) for a good long time, while the lively Duck badgers him mercilessly to stay awake. The facial expressions, body language, and attention to detail are masterfully illustrated in bold shapes and bright colors.

Love this book! I believe it will become a bedtime classic. See for yourself.