Tag Archives: End of Summer

It’s Not Quite Fall Yet

7 Sep

Don’t get me wrong, I love Fall as much as the next guy. More than some. I love the crisp mornings, the sweaters, the colors, the bonfires, the apple picking…

But today, I mourn the end of summer. As I took one last dip in the pool, toweled my wet hair, and glanced back at the light fading on the water, I said a quiet good-bye to a summer tradition.

For as far back as I can remember, the pool has been my summertime hang-out. My parents took me to the pool before I could walk. I took my kids to swim lessons, practices, meets, and parties. I applied sunblock and lotion, packed fruit and water bottles, and read novels from the water’s edge. I splashed with my grandchildren and paddled backward as they swam to me. I sat in the shallow end drinking an adult beverage with friends and floated on rubber tubes in the scorching sun.

Night has fallen on Labor Day. So tomorrow, begins the first official day of… what? There must be a name for the 16 days between Labor Day and the beginning of Fall. Post Pool… Pre Pumpkin… dog-pool-float-1

Don’t fret, sad puppy. Halloween is 54 days away. Thanksgiving is 80 days away. Christmas is 105 days away.

But the pool reopens in 266 days!