Tag Archives: Frank Asch

Sand Cake

10 Aug


Sand Cake written and illustrated by Frank Asch (1978)


Sand Cake by Frank Asch (2015)

This classic story was first published over 35 years ago and will be reintroduced in an expected 2015 publication.

Baby Bear wants to make Papa a cake at the beach. Papa promises to eat it if Baby Bear uses eggs, milk, and flour to make it. Baby When he can’t do it, Baby Bear asks Papa Bear if he can make one. He promises to eat it because he doesn’t think it can be done. But Papa Bear makes a sand cake by drawing eggs, flour, and milk in the sand and then scooping the ingredients into Baby Bear’s bucket. While Baby Bear and Papa Bear float in the water, the cake is baking in the oven Papa Bear has drawn in the sand. When it’s ready to eat, Baby Bear draws a picture of himself in the sand around the sand cake. Now, it’s Papa Bear who is surprised and gives Baby Bear a huge hug. Then they both sit down to eat some of Mama Bear’s cake made from real eggs, milk, and wheat.

Frank Asch is the author of over 60 of children’s books. Sand Cake is one of many Baby Bear stories. It is a simple, yet treasured children’s picture book. The text is easy to read and the illustrations are endearing.

I have read and loved Baby Bear books since my own children were babies, and my classroom always had a collection of Baby Bear books for independent reading. I know from first hand experience how much children love Baby Bear. And I am so excited to see a new publication of Sand Cake coming out next year. It is sure to capture the hearts of the next generation of readers!