Tag Archives: Hug Machine

Hug Machine

16 Oct


Hug Machine written and illustrated by Scott Campbell (2014)

The Hug Machine is very good at hugging, the best! He goes around town cheering people up, calming them down, or just driving them nuts with his hugs. He doesn’t just hug people he hugs trees, park benches, bears, rocks, even snakes.   But, can he hug a porcupine? Or a whale? Yes, he can! He refuels with pizza and hugs until he’s exhausted. Just when he can’t hug one more thing, he receives a hug… “Hug Machine is always open for business.”

Scott Campbell shows us the openness and love of one little boy through text and pictures. The sweet little face of the boy no the cover is quiet and sincere with every single hug. And the faces of the people and animals he hugs are happy, surprised, touched, and even a little apprehensive about the unsolicited hugs.

One of my favorite lines is, “Hug Accomplished!” Scott Campbell accomplished more than just creating a picture book. He also created an atmosphere of honest acceptance of everyone and everything in the boy’s world. What a great message to give our little readers.