Tag Archives: links

Lots o’ Links to PiBoIdMo 2013

6 Dec

This has been more than a month of learning.  It has been a month of connecting, inspiring, and encouraging.  I have met some wonderful people through PiBoIdMo and made lots of new writing connections, but more so… friends!  Many thanks to Tara Lazar for all the links to awesome writers, teachers, and literary geniuses!


I’ve spent too much time reading and learning not to have recorded some ideas that I can go back to later as needed.  Having done all this for myself seems a little selfish, so I decided to leave my notes in my blog for anyone else who needs a quick shot of inspiration or motivation.  With each one, I added the link back to Tara Lazar and her amazing Picture Book Idea Month blog.  Of course, one could simply go back to Tara’s  archives and search for the posts, but for me it was easier to have my own set of links with my notes for quick reference.  If you decide to copy this list (by all means, do) you may want to rewrite the notes to suit your own needs.  I went with a one or two line description to jog my memory.

And let me once again thank Tara Lazar publicly for hosting this wonderful online event! I have learned so much through humor, wit, sassiness, silliness, creativity, honesty, and professionalism!

Pre-Pi Bo Id Mo 2013

1.  Leeza Hernandez


Pledge to take Ten-Minutes-a-Day for yourself!

2.  Marcie Colleen


Prepare Your Writing Space

3.  Julie Hedlund

Pre-PiBo Day 3: Julie Hedlund’s Most Wonderful Time of the Year (plus prizes!)

Founder of 12×12

Tara’s PiBoIdMo is almost considered a mandatory first step to 12×12.

4.  Betsy Devany


Have Fun!   Got out of cooking Thanksgiving Dinner so she could write!!!!

5.  Kayleen West


Didn’t start writing until she was 48 years old.  Started with PiBoIdMo2011 and has already published two books with two, almost three more contracted.

6.  Julie Falatko


Sneak Up on Sneaky Ideas and Catch Them

7.  Dianne de Las Casas


How End Papers can Enhance a Picture Book

Pi Bo Id Mo 2013

1.  Tammi Sauer


Start with a Title:  Showcase a Main Character, focus on the Setting, Create a Sense of Suspense, Utilize Fun Language Play

2.  Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen’s

http://taralazar.com/2013/11/02/piboidmo-day-2-sudipta-bardhan-quallen/    http://nerdychicksrule.com/

Idea Wheel  http://wheeldecide.com/  Characters x Outcomes  CxO=#of story ideas.

3.  Greg Pizzoli


Sometimes limitations will force you to be creative.

Doing the work you feel driven to do, can produce work you might not expect.

4.  Katie Davis


30 Days of Picture Book Inspiration  (One Activity per Day to Work On)

5.  Ryan Sias


LOOK!  Favorite places to look are kids, kids again, and library/bookstore, galleries/museums, and internet.

6.  Michael Garland


Not all ideas will be books.  Go with your heart when writing, you never know which ideas will be published.

7.  Pat Zietlow Miller


Finds Inspiration in the Air and in Other Books   Snippets of Words and Admiration

8.  Mike Allegra


Importance of Play and Imagination to Creative Writing

9.  Paul Schmid


I think, therefore I am stuck.  (Or how I tell my brain to shut up so I can be creative.)

10.  Drew Daywalt


Muse in a Man-Cave

11.  Todd McQueen


Ships and Harbors   Will the idea float?

12.  Elizabeth Rose Stanton



13.  Jane Yolen


Show up!  Luck only happens if you’re already working on it!

14.  Zachariah Ohora


Pimp Your Character!

15.  Adam Lehrhaupt

PiBoIdMo Day 15: Adam Lehrhaupt Jump-Starts His Brain

Writer’s Block:  10 Ideas to Jump Start Your Brain

16.  Anne Marie Pace


Inspiration comes from Hope, Deadlines, The Ticking Clock, My Kids, and Kid Readers

17.  Lenore & Daniel Jennewein


Collaboration:  Give each other space.  Check your ego at the door.  Try to have fun!

18.  Dorina Lazo Gilmore

PiBoIdMo Day 18: Dorina Lazo Gilmore Feeds Her Imagination (plus a prize!)

Cooking with mama, grandmas, and aunties gave her material to write.

19.  Maria Guion


Inspiration is a scam!  Stay away from oracles and romantics!  Sit down at your desk and work!

20.  Pat Miller


Back Door Ideas:  Piggyback, Get Emotional, Mother of Invention, Carry a Net, Plant Bulbs

21.  Steve Barr


Look and Listen

3 Part Chart:  Main Character/Setting/Supporting Characters  (Mash-up Activity)

22.  Bitsy Kemper


Writing Time- Use it Wisely    Blog or Manuscript?   Manuscript always wins!

23.  Kelly Light

PiBoIdMo Day 23: Kelly Light Gets Medieval On Your [Bleep] (plus prizes!)

Drive and Determination!  Work 10-hour days, 7 days a week!

24.  Maria Gianferrari

PiBoIdMo Day 24: Maria Gianferrari Embraces Failure (plus a prize!)

Embrace failure as a recipe for success.

Recipe:  Knead/Change genres or format, Marinate/Let it sit a bit, Fold In/a new point of view, Set Aside/Take a break and procrastinate  and lots more.

25.  Wendy Martin

PiBoIdMo Day 25: Wendy Martin Gets Difficult (plus a prize!)

Themes:  Most books fall into 3 categories –  happy/silly, scientific, and biographical.

Out of the Box Themes – death, cancer, alzheimer’s, down’s syndrome, loss of friend (life issues)

26.  Renee Kurilla


Windy Day – Pay attention to everyday things (like wind) to get really great ideas.

27.  Annette Simon


Used book titles, stacked on top of each other, photo of spines to tell story!  Genius!

28.  Joni Sussman

PiBoIdMo Day 28: Joni Sussman Has Hanukkah on the Brain (plus a prize pack!)

Write for a Jewish market.  Can you turn a story into a Hanukkah story?

Contact Tara directly for the email address and subject line code to submit to Joni Sussman at Kar-Ben Publishing.

29. Kami Kinard

PiBoIdMo Day 29: Kami Kinard Goes After It With a Club (plus a prize!)

“You can’t wait for inspiration.  You have to go after it with a club.”  Jack London

30.  Laurie Keller

PiBoIdMo Final Day 30: Laurie Keller Trusts Her Instincts (plus a prize pack!)

TRUST YOUR OWN INSTINCTS  Write what you like, and tell it your voice.

Post Pi Bo Id Mo 2013

 Take the PiBoIdMo Pledge:

I do solemnly swear that I have faithfully executed
the PiBoIdMo 30-ideas-in-30-days challenge,
and will, to the best of my ability,
parlay my ideas into picture book manuscripts.

1. Corey Rosen Schwartz

Post-PiBo Day 1: Corey Rosen Schwartz Looks for What POPS (plus a prize!)

Weigh your best options.  Check Amazon to see what competing titles are out there.  Shop out manuscripts to editors/agents.

2.  Kristi Valiant


Work on the Big Picture until you have a unique story.  Then master the details!

3. Stacy McAnulty


BOM your story!  (Billing Out Material)  Engineer the Creativity!  Make a spreadsheet of characters, settings, problems, etc and work out details integral to the story.

4. Ame Dyckman

Post-PiBo Day 4: Ame Dyckman’s Idea Herding Method (plus a prize pack!)

Take only your best ideas, write a title and opening line for each, then tape them all over your house!  Look at them every day and let them speak to you until you have a full manuscript!

5.  Artie Bennet

Post-PiBo Day 5: Artie Bennett Brings Up the Rear

Final day of Picture Book Idea Month.  Artie Bennet entertains us with The Butt Book!  Somebody has go there, might as well be him!

6.  Tara Lazar

Post-PiBo Final Day: Tara Lazar Gets Emotional

Tara leaves us with a parting message and a link to her most popular post, Self-Ended Picture Book Layout.

This has been a wonderful experience and a wild ride!  Thank you Tara and all the contributors to the community.  You are much appreciated!