Tag Archives: Margie Moore

Looking for Easter

18 Apr


On one of my jaunts to the library to pick up books I had on hold, I stopped at the Easter display for new titles.  This one is a few years old, but it’s the first time I had seen it. And it is oh so sweet, I just had to share it with you.

Looking for Easter (2008) is written by Dori Chaconas and illustrated by Margie Moore. It tells the story of a little bunny who is looking for Easter.  As he goes through the meadow, he ends up helping his friends Beaver, Woodchuck, and Mouse. And each friend gives him something for Easter- a basket, grass and strawberries which he ends up giving to his friend Robin whose nest has blown away. Bunny is afraid that he has given away Easter. He goes back home for many days until his friend Wren comes for him to show him Easter. Bunny follows Wren to Robin’s tree where he sees Beaver with two babies, Woodchuck with four babies, Mouse with eight babies, and Robin with three babies. Bunny learns that Easter is not a basket with grass and treats, it’s new life.

The story is charming. The message is simple. The illustrations are lovely. I hope you get a chance to read it this year with your special little ones.