Tag Archives: One Lovely Blog Award

One Lovely Blog Award

24 Jan

10898140_10204445602193978_626633667977284180_nLooks like I’ve been awarded the ONE LOVELY BLOG AWARD by my friend, critique partner, and fellow blogger Keila Dawson.

KCB-cov-front-ORIG-700Keila is a debut picture book author who’s first book THE KING CAKE BABY comes out this month.

This is a spin on the traditional gingerbread man, the King Cake Baby runs away in New Orleans during Mardi Gras to avoid being baked in the yummy confection.

Keila even gives the reader a copy of her own recipe for King Cake at the end of the book.


The first part to accepting this award is that I must reveal

Seven Things You May Not Know About Me

1. All of my opera knowledge comes from Warner Brothers cartoons.

2. I grew up wanting to be Bewitched, not Elizabeth Montogmery but Samantha Stevens herself.

3. I randomly quote  The Princess Bride, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and Back to the Future (the complete franchise).

4. My first crush was Donny Osmond, no wait Davy Jones, no wait David Cassidy… hey they all have names that start with D.

5. Then I grew up and Rod Stewart stole my heart.

6. My husband and I have an agreement, if I ever meet Rod Stewart… well, you know.

7. I fib a little. At least one of these thing may not be completely true. 🙂


The second part of accepting this award is to nominate up to seven other

Worthy Blogs

1. My first nomination goes to my friend and fellow writer Kathy Cannon Wiechman. Kathy’s first book, LIKE A RIVER: A CIVIL WAR NOVEL comes out in April, 2015 and has already recieved a Kirkus star. You can find Kathy’s blog at her website Swagger Writers.


2. My second nomination goes to the following picture book bloggers.

Danielle at This Picture Book Life.

Tiffa at The Picture Book Review.

Eric at This Kid Reviews Books.