Tag Archives: sunflowers

Lessons Learned from a Pre-Schooler

30 Aug

I was in the unique position of spending two uninterrupted weeks with a four year old. My camera roll reminded me of ten very important lessons we can all learn from spending time with our little ones.


carrot#1 One piece of candy is worth three baby carrots.


box#2 A box is never just a box.


hp#3 Sing, dance, and do the hokey-dokey. (pronounced as spelled)

[Musical accompaniment from storyteller and bookseller at our local bookstore, Joseph-Beth.]


]cows#4 Cows do not have upper teeth.


#5 Fairies like mushrooms, acorns, and painted rocks.


sunflowr#6 Even a field of dying sunflowers is magical.


fort#7 Blanket Forts are great places to eat cookies and play games on rainy days.


cookies.jpg#8 Speaking of cookies, if you take only a nibble maybe no one will notice.


cape#9 You only need a cape to have superpowers.


duck#10 Make friends everywhere!