Tag Archives: You Tube

Storyline Online

22 Jan

I was browsing pinterest this afternoon, just following a whim, and found a treasure trove of children’s literature read by actors and actresses on You Tube from Storyline Online, a part of the the Screen Actors Guild Foundation. Before I knew it, I had spent over an hour listening to some of my favorite books being read by some superb people.  You’ve got to hear Rainbow Fish read by Ernest Borgnine, Harry the Dirty Dog, read by animal lover Betty White, My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother read by one of my favorite redheads Melissa Gilbert, and Stellaluna, read by Pamela Reed.  And I also must admit, there were several titles I had never heard of.  My new favorite is To Be a Drum, read by James Earl Jones.  Who could pass an opportunity to hear James Earl Jones read anything?  Not me!  I’m so glad I did.  This is a fabulous book about slavery and freedom.  Take a minute or two, or sixty, and browse this site for yourself.  I’ll bet you find a new favorite too!

