My ReFoReMo Experience


March was officially Reading for Research Month for kidlit writers. Carrie Charley Brown hosted this event online by inviting writers and illustrators to band together and learn more about writing picture books by studying common themes in currently published books. The purpose of the event was to increase our common knowledge by sharing individual knowledge. And did we ever have some awesome individuals sharing what they have learned for the good of the group! Take a look at our daily schedule of guest author-educators… 9390325

These wonderful individuals shared recommendations for picture books that we could use as mentor texts to help us better understand such topics as diversity, plot, character, story arc, rhyme, hooks, and humor. As participants, our responsibility was to find and read as many of these titles and absorb as much genius as we could from each text.

There were a multitude of prizes offered by Carrie and the other author-educators. A quick glance at the prizes include manuscript critiques, autographed picture books, e-books, phone consultations, and registration to online writing courses. But the most important prize is the experience of participating. Every participant won a prize equal to the amount of work they put into the course. From what I’ve heard from other participants there were a lot of winners in that respect!

In addition to my participation, I was also lucky enough to win one of the other prizes as well! Ta-Da! I will soon be receiving a personalized writing journal homemade by the talented Suzy Leopold. Here’s a quick look at how she makes these in case you want to make your own Personalized Journal


I’ll be filling mine with all kinds of super secret story ideas. Maybe when I’m published I’ll show you my journal!

11 Responses to “My ReFoReMo Experience”

  1. Leslie L Goodman - Writer April 16, 2015 at 5:38 PM #

    I can’t say enough for ReFoReMo. I never read so many PBs! What a great experience to not only read those books, but to answer questions along the way. I came to respect and like a number of books I read before but never understood just how remarkable they were on that first read. Lots of notes. Lots to process. Lots of fun.


    • Juliana Lee April 16, 2015 at 11:38 PM #

      I agree Leslie! My book list keeps growing and growing… and I couldn’t be happier!


  2. Prairie Garden Girl April 4, 2015 at 1:35 PM #

    ReFoReMo offered many opportunties to grow and learn as a writer. I agree with you. We all winners for participating in Carrie Charley Brown’s writing challenge. I no longer just read picture books. I enjoy studying them from cover to cover as I look deeply for all the remarkable elements and features. I look forward to creating a personalized journal for you.


    • Juliana Lee April 5, 2015 at 10:53 PM #

      Thank you again, Suzy! And I can’t wait to get it and start using it! Sometimes, I just need to jot down an idea or something I’ve read that I want to remember. Studying picture books is in my blood. I’ve been doing this since undergrad days in teacher ed classes. I love it and I am always amazed at the new things I find in picture books!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Jennifer Cole Judd April 3, 2015 at 9:54 PM #

    Great post, Juliana! I loved ReFoReMo, too–such a great opportunity to study mentor texts in depth. Carrie spearheaded a wonderful challenge!


    • Juliana Lee April 4, 2015 at 9:28 AM #

      I agree Jennifer. This was my first ReFoReMo, but definitely not my last!


  4. Cassie Bentley April 3, 2015 at 4:27 PM #

    I too learned bunches. I’m still processing and reviewing my notes and re-reading my favorites to study them more in depth.
    Looking at the top of this page I see Pooh. I love him and his friends.


    • Juliana Lee April 3, 2015 at 4:50 PM #

      Me too Cassie! (Studying and Loving Pooh) I love the rich language and sophisticated sentence structure in Pooh’s stories. I wonder how AA Milne might have written his stories in picture book format.


  5. Carrie Charley Brown April 2, 2015 at 11:56 PM #

    Excellent! Lots of positive growth! 🙂


    • Juliana Lee April 3, 2015 at 12:04 AM #

      Thanks Carrie! I’m a firm believer in being a lifelong learner and in taking full advantage of every opportunity. Thanks for providing the opportunity! 🙂



  1. My ReFoReMo Experience | Through the Prairie Garden Gate - April 4, 2015

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